Exam time in Birgunj

A small insight into the current situation at our schools in Birgunj
Making children’s eyes glow!
Anna and Daniela, our two wonderful volunteers from Austria! Some impressions from the time they spent in Birgunj.
Christmas celebration in our jail school: Although the majority of the children in the school are hinduists, we celebrate christmas as a sign of respect to all religions.
Christmas Celebration in our Slum School:
Climate change and its effects!
Claudia and Kevin were in Nepal when the cyclone reached Birgunj. With the donations they bought rice, oil, gas burner, clothes and shoes for the people living in the slum.
Playing, drawing, doing handicrafts and having fun together:
Some impressions about the time Claudia, Kristina und Valentina spent in Birgunj.
The slum and the suburb of Birgunj: